Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What to Put on Custom Wrappers for Same-Sex Weddings

The U.S. Supreme Court recently said yes to same-sex marriage by allowing federal benefits for all married couples, regardless of orientation. It also allowed gay marriages to proceed in California. If these historic rulings prompted you to plan your same-sex nuptials, congratulations! Custom wrappers can uniquely commemorate the occasion for you and the people attending. But what exactly do you put on them, other than the name of the two celebrants?
Perhaps your relationship was somewhat old-fashioned: you met one day, dated for a year or two, proposed and set a wedding date because you happen to live in a state that legalizes gay marriage. In that case, the date of your wedding is an appropriate addition to the wrapper.

If you're like many gay couples, however, you may have decided to enter in your relationship with a simple declaration of love for each other. No formal document was necessary because your state did not recognize gay marriage at the time. You may have then later decided on a wedding because your location eventually sanctioned your relationship or you moved to a state that did. The wedding wrapper can contain two dates: the start of your relationship and your wedding.
A third option commemorates the intermediate step that some gay couples go through. You may have started your union by simply stating you were in a relationship. Your area may have then afforded you some formality by allowing domestic partnerships or civil unions, which you went through. And then finally, you celebrate a wedding. Your wrapper can list all three dates.

The bottom line is that your custom wrapper should commemorate all the important dates between you and your loved one. Of course, the more text you want on your label, then the larger the wrapper has to be. Contact us to see all the options that are available.

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